As much as I love doing this blog and will continue at some point. My reading has come to a complete halt, I haven't picked up a book in almost a week. Right now I need to take a step back and concentrate on all the real life things that have come up. It looks like I'm going to be moving soon (which wasn't planned at all) and I may not have access to a computer very often when I move.
Taking a step back isn't any easy thing for me to do. I'm the type of person that when I start something I want to keep it going and watch it grow.. I feel like I'm leaving this hanging right in the middle of it all.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Topics to Think About: Book Ratings
I was looking through my shelf on Shelfari to find books to review that I had read prior to creating this blog. While searching it became clear to me that most of the books I read are rated as 4 stars.
That got me thinking.. Am I rating the books high because I'm an easy to please reader? Is it because I gloss over imperfections and accept them as part of the story? Or is it because most of the books I read are from recommendations of fellow readers and they have really liked the story, enough to recommend it?
I don't really have the answer to these questions. It was something that I never really noticed before. So I was wondering if other people noticed this when they first started really rating books and writing reviews of them.
Please leave your thoughts below :)
Friday, October 11, 2013
Review: Retribution

#19 in Dark Hunters Series

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Book Blurb
Harm no human...
A hired gunslinger, William Jessup Brady lived his life with one foot in the grave. He believed that every life had a price. Until the day when he finally found a reason to live. In one single act of brutal betrayal, he lost everything, including his life. Brought back by a Greek goddess to be one of her Dark-Hunters, he gave his immortal soul for vengeance and swore he'd spend eternity protecting the humans he'd once considered prey.
Orphaned as a toddler, Abigail Yager was taken in by a family of vampires and raised on one belief- Dark-Hunters are the evil who prey on both their people and mankind, and they must all be destroyed. While protecting her adoptive race, she has spent her life eliminating the Dark-Hunters and training for the day when she meets the man who killed her family: Jess Brady.
A gun in the hand is worth two in the holster...
Jess has been charged with finding and terminating the creature who's assassinating Dark-Hunters. The last thing he expects to find is a human face behind the killings, but when that face bears a striking resemblance to the one who murdered him centuries ago, he knows something evil is going on. He also knows he's not the one who killed her parents. But Abigail refuses to believe the truth and is determined to see him dead once and for all.
Brought together by an angry god and chased by ancient enemies out to kill them both, they must find a way to overcome their mutual hatred or watch as one of the darkest of powers rises and kills both the races they've sworn to protect.
My Thoughts
This is a Paranormal Romance, and it is in a class of it's own (at least for me). I've never read anything like it. I enjoy Sherrilyn Kenyon. Her writing is smooth and complex, yet not hard to follow.
I honestly didn't remember Jess (Sundown) from any of the other books. I know he's been in some because all the characters have been introduced as secondary characters. He just wasn't memorable before. That being said- Jess was different than other Dark-Hunters. Most of them seem to think that brooding and such is their main job. That they've been wronged so they are entitled to it (at least in the beginning of their stories). Jess realized a long time ago that being bitter and holding that grudge just wasn't worth it. He is a fun guy, the jokes or comments he made were refreshing. I enjoyed it. Abigail in essence has been living a lie. And only realizes it after being confronted by Jess. She has to face that she was hurting the wrong people. I could go on and on about these two. They seemed like an unlikely pair. But I liked them both instantly.
There seemed to be a different change of pace for this story. It didn't come across as them hating each other in the beginning (like it does sometimes). It was more of a misconception on past events that let to them meeting and as that was resolved everything fell into place. Another storyline during Retribution was about Guardians who protected plaques and what happens when balance shifts. It was interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it unfold.
The scene with Jess and Abigail in the Audi in the car wash... It was a good one, with a little bit of humor. Not going to say much more than that, don't want to give anything away if people haven't read yet. The various humorous digs or comebacks had me laughing out loud. Which is slightly unusual for a Dark-Hunters Novel (at least in this volume).
I love this series and look forward to reading the rest. I would recommend this series. Sherrilyn Kenyon has said that she writes each book so that it can be a stand alone novel. For me, reading them in order is like putting a puzzle together piece by piece. Each story is another piece of this amazing world that Sherrilyn Kenyon has created and I couldn't imagine reading them any other way.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Tuesday Teaser #11

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:

# 19 in Dark Hunters Series
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"No, she didn't. Because if he was right, if those images were the truth, then she was wrong on a level so profound that it made her sick." pg 124/396 Hardback copy
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Review: Heart of Gold


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Book Blurb
She has a chance to find something more precious than gold, if she’s brave enough to trust her heart. . . . Her intense passion for unlocking the secrets of the past is what made Carter Wessex an archeologist. Now she’s been given a chance to dig on Farrell Mountain where a doomed party of minutemen lost their lives—as well as the gold they were carrying during the Revolutionary War. Carter refuses to let the mountain’s owner, Nick Farrell, rattle her, even though she’s all too aware of his sexy yet sardonic presence. Her work on the mountain could be the most significant find of her career . . . if she can pull herself away from the smoldering attraction that is undeniably growing between them. Beneath the steely facade Nick Farrell wears like a well-cut suit, he is a man of hidden tenderness. From his first meeting with Carter, there’s an immediate flare—hotter than he has ever experienced before. But no one is more surprised than Nick when his desire for her deepens into something enduring. Now Nick must find a way to convince Carter that the real treasure to be found on Farrell Mountain is a true and lasting love. . . .
My Thoughts
This is a Contemporary Romance novel, you don't find too many books that concentrate on Archaeology. Carter Wessex (am I the only one that finds Carter as a weird name for a girl?) is an archaeologist, interested in putting together a dig on land owned by Nick Farrel. Nick Farrel is a Corporate Raider, he cares for his nephew Cort. Nick have an instant dislike for each other. Nick doesn't like anyone going up on his mountain. Nick has a pretty rocky relationship with Cort, he seems to think he has to be a dictator in order to keep Cort out of trouble and keep Cort's diabetes under control.
I really enjoyed the parts about Carter's archaeology dig. I find it fascinating when I have a chance to read about jobs I'll never be able to do. The further I got in Heart of Gold, the more I disliked Nick. I understand that a good romance has to have some friction between the two, but he was just down right mean and nasty. There was an attempt at a change in attitude toward the end, but it was abrupt and a little unbelievable. Carter has issues with her father which contribute to her reluctance to be in a relationship, to me this is believable.
Like I said before, I liked the parts where it concentrated on the dig. The story behind the part where they were doing the dig was really cool to learn, whether it was real or not. On the other hand, I didn't like the scenes where Nick has decided that he can't let him and Carter get any closer so he starts being nasty and mean. For me it was over the top, and unnecessary. I get that it was almost like a defense mechanism, but just a little much. There was a couple of parts that had me giggling, but it isn't written solely to make you laugh.
I've always enjoyed books written by J.R. Ward, so I figured I would try some of her Jessica Bird books. I liked the writing style. The story had a nice flow to it. This book, as far as I know isn't part of a series. It seemed pretty stand-alone to me. While there were parts of this story that I didn't like, overall it was a nice read.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Review: The Outlaw Demon Wails

#6 Hollows Series

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Book Blurb
To save the lives of her friends, Rachel did the unthinkable: she willingly trafficked in forbidden demon magic. And now her sins are coming home to haunt her.
As Rachel searches for the truth behind a terrifying murder, an even greater menace threatens, for the demon Algaliarept will stop at nothing to claim her, and the discovery of a shocking family secret throws Rachel's entire life into question. If she is ever to live free, Rachel must first walk willingly into the demonic ever-after in search of long-lost ancient knowledge.
But when you dance with demons, you lay your soul on the line...and there are some lines that should never be crossed.
My Thoughts
Where do I start, this is by far my favorite book in The Hollows Series so far. It's an Urban Fantasy and nothing like anything I've read in the genre before. I always look forward to reading this series because I love reading about the characters and seeing where they'll go next.
Rachel Morgan is at it again in this one. Working with Ivy and Jenks, while trying to live with them (which is always interesting when the pixies move into the church during the cold.. haha). Trent, Al, Marshall and Rachel's Mom all have rather big parts in The Outlaw Demon Wails also. Al is trying to kill Rachel which isn't a huge surprise he has never really liked her. Trent seems to think it is Rachel's job to save the Elf species and wants her to into the Ever-After to help him. With all this going on it results in a fast-pasted story that just keeps you coming back for more. I can honestly say with this series I didn't just have one favorite character. It was like being pulled in multiple directions.. I enjoyed learning more about them all.
There were a couple scenes that seemed to have a really big impact. Rachel and Ivy came to a turning point in their relationship and I was actually happy when it happened because I never really cared for that part of the story anyways. Also Rachel found out something about her parents that helped her understand why she could do what she was can. I'm loving where this series is going. All of the twists thrown into this book were interesting. I look forward to reading where it leads the characters.
Kim Harrison's writing style is really smooth and seems to have a natural flow to it. There isn't anything about her style that I don't like. I was a little shocked while reading with all the twists and such, but it's a good shocked. i will for sure continue with The Hollows. Rachel is a very interesting character and I can't wait to see what happens next. I would recommend The Outlaw Demon Wails to anyone that loves a well built world chalk full of supernatural elements.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Tuesday Teaser #10

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:

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"But then suddenly, she heard the sharp sound of a tree branch snapping and a rhythmic beating of the air. They pulled apart, shaken." Page 69/352 (paperback copy)
Friday, September 27, 2013
Feature and Follow #9

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!
This Week's Question is:
Bookshelf Tour. Give us a tour of your bookshelf.

I tend to read a lot sitting at my desk, simply because my desk chair is really comfortable and I can listen to music on my laptop while reading.

Another spot I like to read in is my bed. (sorry for the blurry pic)
Next Week:
What book (or TV show or movie) have you not read that seemingly everyone else has?
I honestly almost forgot to do this.. I've been dealing with really bad sinus' all week and haven't felt up to doing much of anything. Today while my daughter was a school my twin sister took our nephew (who I normally watch during the day) so that I could sleep, I was so exhausted. You must pardon the mess that is my desk.. lol.

I tend to read a lot sitting at my desk, simply because my desk chair is really comfortable and I can listen to music on my laptop while reading.

Another spot I like to read in is my bed. (sorry for the blurry pic)
Next Week:
What book (or TV show or movie) have you not read that seemingly everyone else has?
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Book Happiness!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Review: Storm of Visions

#1 in Chosen One Series

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Book Blurb
When the world was young, twins were born. One brought light to a dark world; the other, darkness and danger. They gathered others around them, men and women destined to use their powerful gifts for good or evil. Today, their descendants walk the earth as the Chosen, and the ultimate battle is about to begin.
Jacqueline Vargha has always run from her gift. Until Caleb D'Angelo forces his way into her life and insists she take her place as one of the Chosen. She flees, he pursues, but she can no longer deny her visions, or the dangerous man who is her downfall...and her destiny.
My Thoughts
This is a Paranormal Romance Novel. It has a fresh approach to the genre basics. I really enjoyed the world building. The main characters are Jacqueline Vargha and Caleb D'Angelo. Jacqueline's adoptive mom is Zusane. Jacqueline is a Seer working at a vineyard at the opening of the book. Caleb is Zusane's bodyguard and has been working for Zusane since he was little.
In the beginning Jacqueline seemed to be a walking contradiction which was a little annoying. that being said, it was explained really well later in the book so I didn't have a problem with it after finishing. Jacqueline and Caleb have known each other for all there lives (just about). Caleb grew up working for her mom, so she was pretty much off limits. You can imagine how well that went. As a result of their past relationship Jacqueline doesn't really want much to do with Caleb when he shows up on her doorstep. It's almost predictable that my favorite character was Caleb, but I loved him just about from the start. He has the Italian bodyguard thing going for him. He never hid his feelings for Jacqueline and only left the first time because her mom (his boss) asked him to let her finish college. He was willing to do anything for her.
It was interesting to read about Jacqueline getting her visions. They were so real and well written. I can't think of any scenes that I didn't like. The writing was strong and smooth. Like I said before I liked the world building. The character dialog was believable. There were a few parts that I reread to make sure I understood it completely but that wasn't because I had to, it was because I wanted to. I was engulfed in the story completely and found some of the dialog made me laugh.
"Then I want to talk about what happened two years ago between us."
No way, mister. She rolled to the other side of the mattress and swung her feet off the bed. "You go ahead. I'll just go into the bathroom and shut the door."
I plan to continue the series. I don't normally recommend a series until I've read more than one so that I can see how consistent the series is. So we'll see how the next one goes.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Review: Undeniably Yours

#2 Kowalski Family Series

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Book Blurb
Bar owner Kevin Kowalski is used to women throwing their phone numbers at him. Even if lately he's been more interested in finding Mrs. Right than Miss Right Now. Enter Beth Hansen.
Kevin and Beth may have started out all wrong, with an impromptu passionate encounter at a wedding, followed by a walk of shame. Yet Kevin knows there's more to their relationship than a one-night stand. Especially when Beth turns up pregnant.
Kevin may be ready for the "next step," but Beth doesn't want a relationship with a former playboy, however irresistible he might be. And it's going to take a lot to convince her to go on a second date with the father of her child....
My Thoughts
This is a Contemporary Romance Novel. This one was a little different than others because almost from the beginning the two were thrown together because of the pregnancy. Kevin Kowalski is a Sports Bar owner and former Boston Police Officer. Beth is a secretary who's boss fired her when he was arrested in Kevin's Bar. Paulie is Kevin's bar maid. Sam is Paulie's ex. Kevin and Beth have a one night stand as a result she is pregnant. When she tells Kevin he is really excited. Beth is hesitant on getting into a relationship which makes for an interesting story.
My favorite character in Undeniably Yours is Kevin. He was blind-sided by the pregnancy and willing to make the most of it. He was willing to admit his feelings for her instead of run from it all. One of my favorite parts of this books is: “Will you miss me?" he asked, probably hoping to distract her from another French fry grab. "Hey! You're stealing food from you baby. You realize that, right?" "Honey, that baby's not starving. At the rate you're going through Jasper burgers, his-or her- first word will probably be 'moo'.”
My least favorite part of the book wasn't a scene, but a person. Beth's hesitation to form a relationship with Kevin was understandable in the beginning when she didn't know much about it. However, as the story progress's and she gets to know him more and more it seems like she just gets more forceful about them not being together. It just seemed like a little much to me and she was really frustrating to me. I really enjoyed the writing style of Shannon Stacey, with the romance taking center stage and there also being a good bit of humor to go along with it.
Aside from Beth's attitude towards Kevin being a little too much, I really enjoyed this book. Some of the lines really made me laugh. I will continue this series and would also recommend the Kowalski Family Series to anyone who enjoys family focused series'.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Feature and Follow #8

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!
This Week's Question is:
What were some of your favorite picture books as a kid? If you have kids, what are your favorites to read to them?
When my daughter was smaller and not reading books to me I remember her bringing us these books over and over. She loved these two and by the time she grew out of them they were falling apart.
I don't recall the exact names of the other books we read to her, but she had a bunch of them. I know we had some "Baby Mickey" shapes and color books. Whenever someone asked me what they could get her I told them clothes and board books.
Next Week:
Reading Nook Tour: Give us a tour of your favorite reading spots.

When my daughter was smaller and not reading books to me I remember her bringing us these books over and over. She loved these two and by the time she grew out of them they were falling apart.
I don't recall the exact names of the other books we read to her, but she had a bunch of them. I know we had some "Baby Mickey" shapes and color books. Whenever someone asked me what they could get her I told them clothes and board books.
Next Week:
Reading Nook Tour: Give us a tour of your favorite reading spots.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Review: A Fistful of Charms

#4 In The Hollows Series

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Book Blurb
The evil night things that prowl Cincinnati despise witch and bounty hunter Rachel Morgan. Her new reputation for the dark arts is turning human and undead heads alike with the intent to possess, bed, and kill her -- not necessarily in that order.
Now a mortal lover who abandoned Rachel has returned, haunted by his secret past. And there are those who covet what Nick possesses -- savage beasts willing to destroy the Hollows and everyone in it if necessary.
Forced to keep a low profile or eternally suffer the wrath of a vengeful demon, Rachel must nevertheless act quickly. For the pack is gathering for the first time in millennia to ravage and to rule. And suddenly more than Rachel's soul is at stake.
My Thoughts
This is an Urban Fantasy Novel and is one of my favorites in the genre. It is different enough from others that it leaves me wanting more. Rachel Morgan is a witch and bounty hunter. She is partners with Ivy Tamwood and Jenks. Kisten is a vampire and Rachel's current boyfriend, while Nick is human and Rachel's ex-boyfriend. All of these characters are very complex and sometimes almost too real. It is almost too hard to explain the relationships between the characters because they are so complex. The story seems to evolve around the relationships and how they are moving. My favorite is Jenks. I just love him. he may be small but he has a lot of heart and determination.
I enjoyed a life size Jenks in this book. The scenes when he is experiencing various human foods and such are just awesome. Nick is one of my least favorite characters in this series, the fact that he came back was kinda a bummer to me. There was something about him from the beginning that I didn't like. Rachel and Ivy's relationship is a big frustration to me, but it seemed to progress/change in the storyline of this book. Which I was happy about.
Kim Harrison is a great writer. There is nothing forgotten in this book. I enjoyed the continuation of the series. I will for sure continue in this series so that I can see what Rachel gets into next. I would for sure recommend this series, just know that it starts out a little slow.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Review: Oceans of Fire

#3 in the Drake Sisters Series

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Book Blurb
Seven elementally gifted sisters, and their prophecy of love…
As the third daughter in a magical bloodline, Abigail Drake was born with a mystical affinity for water, and possessed a particularly strong bond with dolphins. She spent her entire life studying them, learning from them, and swimming among them in the waters off her hometown of Sea Haven …
Until the day Abby witnessed a cold-blooded murder on shore, and found herself fleeing for her life — right into the arms of Aleksandr Volstov. He’s an Interpol agent on the trail of stolen Russian antiquities, a relentless man who gets what he goes after — and the man who broke Abby’s heart. But he isn’t going to let the only woman he ever loved be placed in harm’s way — or slip away from his embrace…
My Thoughts
This is a Paranormal Romance Novel and compared to others I've read in this genre it is a pretty typical storyline. But it is a solid series with well written characters and good stories. Abigail (Abby) Drake is one of seven sisters, all of whom have elemental magic. Alexsandr (Sasha) Volstov is a Interpol Agent and also an old flame of Abby's. I like that the other sisters still play a good part in other books that they aren't a main character in. I enjoy being able to read more about characters from other books. There was nothing about the characters that stood out to make them unbelievable. Abby and Sasha have a not so good past. So in the beginning there is a reluctance to admit to feels. Which made living with or being around the two uncomfortable for everyone else. There really wasn't just one character that was a favorite for me. I find foreign accents on guys to be very hot, so of course I loved Sasha. Abby while kinda annoying in the beginning cause of the constant dwelling on the past, redeems herself when she finally admits to feelings.
The scene I remember the most is when Abby takes Sasha to meet the dolphins. For me, even if at the time she wasn't admitting to herself that she wanted to be with him, it showed she was willing to give Sasha a chance by letting him into her world. She didn't take just anyone to see the dolphins. I didn't particularly care for the murder Abby witnessed in the beginning, but I understand that it is a necessary part of the story. There was nothing that stopped the flow. I really enjoyed the writing style.
Yes, I will continue this series and if you enjoy books with strong women dealing with magic I would recommend it.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Tuesday Teaser #9

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:

#1 in Chosen Ones Series
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"The girl glanced around at the Chosen in the circle. She rolled her eyes, and with a gesture at Zusane, she mouthed Sorry."
Pg 69/377 in paperback copy
Monday, September 16, 2013
Review: Yours to Keep

#3 in Kowalski Family Series

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Book Blurb
Emma Shaw needs a husband, and fast! Not because she's interested in romance--after all, she's too busy with her landscaping company--but because Grandma Shaw is coming to town, and she will have nonstop questions about Emma's (stagnant) love life.
Sean Kowalski no sooner leaves the army than he's recruited by Emma to be her fake fiance. Sean doesn't like the deception, but he can't help his attraction to the feisty brunette. A little pretend kissing won't hurt anyone--especially when there's no chance he'll fall for a woman with deep roots in a town he's not planning to call home. But when fake, innocent kisses lead to very real, explosive sparks, Emma and Sean discover that their big ruse might just lead to happily-ever-after....
My Thoughts
This is a Contemporary Romance Novel. The genre always follows a template- Girl and boy meet, girl and boy like each other, they fight, stay apart for a while then realize they can't live without each other. So there are no real surprises on how the book is going to play out. There is however a really well written family dynamic that makes this book so very worth reading. Sean Kowalski has just left the army and gets recruited by Emma Shaw to play her Fiancee. Emma Shaw owns a landscaping business and just wants her Grandma to not worry about her. I really enjoy reading the Kowalski Family Series because all of the characters seem like they could be right out of your own family. I like that not everything is perfect, they make mistakes. Emma's Grandma is coming to town, normally this wouldn't be a huge deal for anyone, but Emma told her Grandma she was in a serious relationship so that Grandma wouldn't worry. As a result, Emma needs Sean to play along while Grandma is in town. It makes for some very interesting scenes. I like Grandma Shaw the most. Normally one of the main characters are my favorites but she stood out to me. She was so full of love and life. She was one smart cookie. :)
I liked the scenes with Emma and Sean spending time with his family. Watching the progression from awkward and pretending to comfortable and real. Their relationship was always interesting. Yours to Keep was an easy read. The writing was enjoyable for me. There were no parts that stood out like they didn't belong or fit. I got a little emotional towards the end of the book, but I'm a very emotional person so it's not very hard to do.
This book is part of a series and I plan on continuing because I truly love the Kowalski Family. I would recommend this series to anyone who enjoys Contemporary Romance centered around a family.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Reading in September
My reading for the month of September has greatly slowed down. I'm still reading books but for some reason finishing them isn't really happening. I'm currently writing some reviews for books I've read prior to starting the blog so that I'm still posting. :)
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Review: Tempting Evil

#2 in Prison Break Trilogy

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Book Blurb
Joanna Sutton can cope with the fierce winter storm bearing down on the small rural community of Centennial Valley, Montana; the popular romance writer has survived much worse in life. Haunted by the loss of her husband and child, Jo has found refuge at her family’s secluded lodge, but her haven soon becomes a hell. During the ferocious blizzard, a local Boy Scout troop is stranded in the wilderness, compelling Jo to spearhead a desperate rescue mission, aided by a newly arrived stranger with an unknown agenda.
Meanwhile, Sheriff Tyler McBride hears that three escaped convicts are fast approaching Big Sky Country. Hoping to warn Jo, he faxes over the men's mug shots. But they never reach their intended recipient. Then Tyler makes a shocking discovery: Two people are dead, and a killer is among the group, along with the woman Tyler loves, searching for his lost son.
More than one innocent life is at stake. For the sake of those Jo cares about most, and for her own survival, she’ll need all the cunning, courage, and passion she can muster to survive the mounting terror.
My Thoughts
Tempting Evil is a romantic suspense novel and certainly lived up to the genre. Yes it is similar to others I've read, but the characters are so well written that I just love reading these books. Joanna Sutton and Tyler McBride are the main characters. Aaron Doherty and Hans Vigo are secondary characters. For me the characters couldn't get any more real. Aaron is convinced that Joanna loves him because she has written romance novels that he feels were only for him. When in reality she doesn't know he even exists. He will do anything to get her to come with him. I really liked Tyler, I'm a sucker for strong yet understanding men. Tyler stops at nothing to save Joanna, but at the same time is willing to wait until she is ready for their relationship to move to the next level. I liked Joanna, she was willing to do anything for the people she cared about.
For me Romance Novels, no matter what specific kind they are, all have an underlying point that love conquers all. If your love is true and strong you can handle anything. I love a happy ending. :) It was really hard for me to spend so much time in Aaron's head. Experiencing his convoluted sense of what is actually going on. I think that could have been one of the reasons why it took me so long to read. Allison Brennan's writing style is really clear and always enjoyable to read. I wasn't really emotional during this book. Sometimes a little frustration crept up in regards to Aaron, but he is written as a character your not supposed to like. This books is part of the Prison Break Series and I will be continuing on to the next book. I would recommend this to anyone that enjoys "Cop Thrillers".
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Review: Creation in Death

#30 in In Death Series

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Book Blurb
When the body of a young brunette is found in East River Park, artfully positioned and marked by signs of prolonged and painful torture, Lieutenant Eve Dallas is catapulted back to a case nine years earlier. The city had been on edge due to a killing spree that took the lives of four women in fifteen days; all courtesy of the man the media tagged as "The Groom"--because he put silver rings on his victims' fingers.
This time, it becomes chillingly clear that the killer has made his attack personal: The young woman was employed by Eve's billionaire husband, Roarke, washed in products from a store Roarke owns, and laid out on a sheet Roarke's company manufactures. Chances are The Groom is working up to the biggest challenge of his illustrious career--abducting a woman who will test his skills and who promises to give him days and days of pleasure before she dies: Eve.
My Thoughts
This is a Romantic Suspense novel, it may be considered Mystery/Thriller also. Eve Dallas is a Lieutenant with the NYPSD. Roarke is her husband and a business man. I always look forward to reading these stories because the characters have turned in to good friends that you can't wait to go back and visit. They are well developed and very real. The relationship between Eve and Roarke has a definite impact on the story because the killer has come back around to where it all began and has a certain affinity for Roarke this time around. I really enjoyed Eve in Creation in Death, not that I don't in other books of the series. This case took her back to when she first started on patrol and made her deal with the fact that this one got away before. She also has to deal with Feeney who was #1 on the case back then.
I've never read anything quite like this. It's a "Cop Thriller" with a futuristic setting. It is different enough from others in the genre that I was pulled in and wanted to see what it was about. One of my favorite parts of the story was when Eve confronted Feeney about his guilt over not closing the case years ago. It was an example of how close Eve is with her co-workers and sometimes she doesn't even realize it.
The writing is well thought out. I liked how the story flowed. Emotions were high in Creation in Death so some I reread just to grasp the full effect of the writing. Creation in Death was a page turner. I didn't like when I had to put it down for other things. I love this series and will continue for sure. I have recommended this series in the past and will continue to do so in the future.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Tuesday Teaser #8

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:

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" 'Now what's wrong with you?' Her voice was exasperated.
'You're smiling.'
'You don't like me in a good mood?' " Page 145/352 (paperback copy)
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Feature and Follow #7

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!
This Week's Question is:
Bookshelf Tour. Give us a tour of your bookshelf.
I have a bookcase that is 3 cubes by 3 cubes, and yet for some reason only 4 are full of books the others are full of things I've kept from my past. Three of these shelves hold my books, the other is my little sister's books. I just group them by author most of the time.

Then I have a bookcase in the living room that has a shelf of books.

Finally, Library books stay on my desk so that I know what I have to read.

Next Week:
It is up to you to do a Kickstarter campaign for your favorite book!!! Who are you casting for the main characters?
I have a bookcase that is 3 cubes by 3 cubes, and yet for some reason only 4 are full of books the others are full of things I've kept from my past. Three of these shelves hold my books, the other is my little sister's books. I just group them by author most of the time.

Then I have a bookcase in the living room that has a shelf of books.

Finally, Library books stay on my desk so that I know what I have to read.

Next Week:
It is up to you to do a Kickstarter campaign for your favorite book!!! Who are you casting for the main characters?
Review: Bone Crossed

#4 in Mercy Thompson Series

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Book Blurb
By day, Mercy is a car mechanic in the sprawling Tri-Cities of Eastern Washington. By night, she explores her preternatural side. As a shapeshifter with some unique talents, Mercy has often found herself having to maintain a tenuous harmony between the human and the not so human. This time she may get more than she bargained for.
Marsilia, the local Vampire Queen, has learned that Mercy crossed her by slaying a member of her clan—and she's out for blood. But since Mercy is protected from direct reprisal by the werewolf pack (and her close relationship with its sexy Alpha), it won't be Mercy's blood Marsilia is after.
It'll be her friends'.
My Thoughts
Mercy Thompson is a mechanic and shape-shifter. Her neighbor is Adam the local wolf pack Alpha. Mercy once again finds herself in trouble when Marsilia, the local Vampire Queen wants her dead because she has found out that Mercy has killed Andre her right hand vampire. As if this isn't enough for Mercy, her old college friend shows up on her doorstep asking for help with a ghost in her house. Mercy figures getting away from town would be a good thing considering, so off she goes to help. Nothing is ever face value when it comes to life around Mercy…
I found myself not wanting to put this story down, I loved it and am definitely ok with the way things are going. I love Mercy and Adam. I can't wait to read the next book. All the secondary characters are just as good as the main characters.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Tuesday Teaser #7

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:

#2 in Prison Break Series
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"Aaron blinked. His eyes still burned, but he could see a little better. He slowly rose, stumbled, and knelt to catch his breath." Page 214/407 (paperback copy)
Monday, September 2, 2013
Review: Evil Eclairs

#4 in Donut Shop Mystery Series

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Book Blurb
Donut shop owner Suzanne Hart admits her sweet treats don’t exactly qualify as health food. But does she really deserve to be labeled a “killer” by local radio jockey Lester Moorefield? The annoying host is urging citizens to boycott Suzanne’s “deadly dough” factory—until he’s found dead himself, stuffed with one of Suzanne’s eclairs… Everyone in April Springs knows about the feud between Lester and Suzanne, which makes her the number-one suspect. She tries to use the donut defense— donuts don’t kill people, people kill people —but that cream-filled eclair at the scene of the crime has the whole town filled with suspicion. If Suzanne can’t figure out who killed the radio star, she’ll soon be filling a prison cell instead of a pastry…
My Thoughts
Evil Eclairs is a Mystery/Suspense novel. It is a little different from others in the genre because it tends to revolve around the donuts and the donut shop. The Donut Shop Mystery Series and Evil Eclairs focus' on Suzanne Hart, Jake Bishop and the murder of Lester Moorefield. Suzanne is owner of Donut Hearts. Jake Bishop is her boyfriend and also an investigator with the State Police. Whenever Suzanne is pulled into a murder and starts investigating it on her own she enlists the help of George Morris and Grace Gauge. All of the characters are very believable and have flaws or shortcomings just like us. They live in a small town so everyone knows everyone. This makes for very interesting situations when it comes to Suzanne trying to question someone about the murder that has happened.
Suzanne is my favorite character. She loves her shop that she has started. She is confident in herself and her relationships with others. When things happen and her shop is questioned she isn't afraid of standing up and even getting into a few confrontations because of it. She loves her family and friend unconditionally. I enjoy reading about the mornings when Suzanne makes the donuts and opens the shop. It's fun to read about her interactions with Emma her assistant and the customers that come in. The parts where Suzanne and Grace are going around making up stories so that they can question people about the current murder are always interesting to read. Suzanne and Grace work very well together. I don't really care for the scenes when a character that you've come to love is hurt or are being put in a position where they may get hurt. But at the same time I understand that it is a part of the story line and that there is a reason for it.
Jessica Beck's writing style has a nice easy flow to it. It makes it very easy to read and nothing felt rushed. Evil Eclairs is a nice easy read, easy to understand so no rereading was needed for me. All plot twists or points seemed to fit and worked towards the final reveal. I was pulled so far into the story line that at parts I was worried about the characters. At other times I found myself laughing at some of the things they did and said.
I will definitely be continuing with the Donut Shop Mystery Series. Also I would recommend this book to all who enjoy reading murder mysteries mixed with light humor and romance.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Review: Strangers in Death

#31 in In Death Series

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Book Blurb
In 2060 New York, some murders still get more attention than others, especially those in which the victim is a prominent businessman, found in his Park Avenue apartment, tied to the bed--and strangled with cords of black velvet. Fortunately, homicide cop Lieutenant Eve Dallas's billionaire husband, Roarke, happens to own the prime real estate where Thomas Anders's sporting-goods firm is headquartered, giving her some help with access. Before long, she's knocking on doors--and barging through them--to look for the answers she needs.
But some things don't add up--and everyone's alibi checks out, from the wife who was off in the tropics to the nephew who stood to inherit millions. Was this a crime of passion--or a carefully planned execution? It's up to Dallas to solve this sensational case in which those who seem to be intimates sometimes guard secrets from each other--and strangers may be connected in unexpected, and deadly, ways. . . .
My Thoughts
This is a Romantic Suspense novel, it may be considered Mystery/Thriller also(at least I think so). Eve Dallas is a Lieutenant with the NYPSD. Roarke is her husband and a business man. Eve is so tough and really doesn't seem to have a clue about relationships and friendships, but with Roarke she just lets it all go and goes by feeling. Something she could never do with anyone else. Detective Peabody is Eve's partner. Peabody is always willing to have a chat with Roarke no matter whether Eve thinks they have time for it or not. All the characters seem very real and are easy to connect with. The relationships vary from friendships to romantic. As a result everyone blends well together and play off each others strengths. My favorite character is Roarke. He is a dream guy, sure of himself but not overly so.. not to mention him being a sexy Irishmen. He loves what he does, but loves Eve more and is more than willing to help her in anyway she may need. He knows Eve so well, he picks up on things others might miss and complements her personality very well. Roarke never did like cops, Eve has shown him that there are good cops out there.. ones that will stop at nothing to figure out what has happened and who did it.
The writing wasn't choppy. It read like real conversations and smooth descriptions. There was some parts that I reread but not because I did not understand them. More for the simple fact that I enjoyed them so much. I like the banter that breaks up the murder mystery. Strangers in Death had a good flow and the story progression was nice.
My favorites scenes almost always included Eve and Roarke. They as a couple aren't too perfect, they have arguments and don't always agree which I like. But they can also be very considerate and loving towards each other. There wasn't really anything that popped out at me and caused me to not like it. I found myself laughing at some of the conversations between characters. Other than that not a really emotional book.
I enjoyed Strangers in Death. The characters are well developed and story is well written. I would recommend Strangers in Death and all other books in the In Death Series by J.D. Robb.
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